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There are [43] photos and [16] stories tagged with "korea".

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Silky Smooth Seoul

SOUTH KOREA | Tue, 19 May 2015 | By wtarmstrong | Views [520] | Comments [1]

I knelt before my Korean super toilet repeatedly vomiting with such violence that the blood vessels in the corner of my left eye burst open. How could it be, I thought to myself between retches, that my first significant case of food poisoning on this ... Read more >

Tags: bbq, beaches, bullet train. seoul, busan, busan, food, hiking, korea, mash, toilet

My Scholarship entry - A local encounter that changed my life

SOUTH KOREA | Sat, 21 Apr 2012 | By sarahlynnpablo | Views [2619] | Comments [22] | Scholarship Entry

A Seoul guidebook reported that Spa Lei catered to lady clients, spoke English and operated 24/7. On arrival, we discovered one major inaccuracy. Unflinching, we called a free translator hotline. Taking turns on the phone with the staff, we negotiated ... Read more >

Tags: korea, skin, spa, travel writing scholarship 2012

Photos: My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

SOUTH KOREA | Tue, 8 Nov 2011 | By allasadventures | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Baekje Cultural Festival is an annual event that honors Korea's 5,000 year old history with fireworks, traditional foods, costumes and events. I have had the chance to visit Baekje city during this colorful and picturesque time and experienced the festival ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: #2011wnphoto, baekje, culture, korea, travel photography scholarship 2011

5,000 year old history is alive

SOUTH KOREA | Tue, 8 Nov 2011 | By allasadventures | Views [692]

Baekje Cultural Festival is an annual event that honors Korea's 5,000 year old history with fireworks, traditional foods, costumes and events. I have had the chance to visit Baekje city during this colorful and picturesque time and experienced the festival ... Read more >

Tags: baekje, culture, history, korea, photography, tradition

The Best & Worst of South Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Thu, 25 Aug 2011 | By aussieontheroad | Views [7421] | Comments [1]

South Korea, sadly, doesn't get the tourist play that a country of its rich cultural heritage probably deserves. People generally overlook Korea in favor of nearby China or Japan and that's a crying shame. There is plenty to love about the Land of ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, korea, south korea

First day of my Europe trip spent in South Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Tue, 16 Aug 2011 | By travelcrazed | Views [522]

Slept not a jot on the plane. There should be an airline that hands out mild sleeping tablets as freely as they do orange juice. The korean stewardesses were so serene and made friends with all the passengers, especially the kids. Touchdown in Incheon.... Read more >

Tags: incheon, jung-gu, korea, korean air

Red white and Blue

SOUTH KOREA | Mon, 5 Jul 2010 | By cepctheworld | Views [674]

Fourth of July in Korea……Saturday 4 of us Americans went to a restaurant called De Bassus which is a German place so naturally they have great beer.   A Dunkel, Weisen, Helles and something too dark for me to drink.   And imagine this place is only ... Read more >

Tags: expat 4th of july, korea, night hike, tongyeong

Photos: Bit of Bijindo

SOUTH KOREA | Sat, 8 May 2010 | By cepctheworld | Photo Gallery

An island in the sun
See all 14 photos >>

Tags: bijindo, esl korea, korea, tongyoung

Yellow Dust

SOUTH KOREA | Mon, 26 Apr 2010 | By cepctheworld | Views [1024]

            Since I got here people have been telling me about the Yellow dust.   Apparently, in March this year, the Korean Weather Agency measured the highest amount of Yellow Dust since they have started measuring.   Keep in mind that could ... Read more >

Tags: korea, pollution, tongyoung, yellow dust, yellow sand

White Day (and the 14th of every month)

SOUTH KOREA | Sun, 14 Mar 2010 | By traveling_raccoon | Views [11455] | Comments [8]

Days before the 14th of February, 2010, I asked my husband if he was planning to give me anything for Valentine's Day. My husband laughed and said, "on Feb. 14, girls give guys gifts, not the other way around." I was surprised at his reaction ... Read more >

Tags: korea, korea traditions, white day

Times Square in Seoul: Woww

SOUTH KOREA | Sun, 14 Mar 2010 | By traveling_raccoon | Views [4970]

The other day I went to biggest mall in Seoul today (according to both my husband and the Korean Tourism's official site ), the Times Square. As soon as we got there my heart started beating like crazy because hey, this is the first time in a long ... Read more >

Tags: korea, mall, seoul

Packedin Okpo, Geoje Do

SOUTH KOREA | Fri, 11 Dec 2009 | By iainob1 | Views [12561] | Comments [2]

Packedin Okpo            Don ’ t go to Pilipino bars when you have already had a fair bit to drink. This was what I was saying to myself at about 7:30 in the morning and wandering lost in the streets in Okpo. For my ... Read more >

Tags: geoje do, iainob1, korea, okpo, packedin

Packedin teaching Korea

SOUTH KOREA | Fri, 11 Dec 2009 | By iainob1 | Views [905]

Packedin Teaching , Korea              Teaching in Korea is a totally different experience to teaching in England. Many people who go to Asia to teach usually have done an ESL course but may not have had any teaching experience ... Read more >

Tags: esl, iainob1, korea, packedin, teaching, tongyeong

Packedin Korea, Tongyeong

SOUTH KOREA | Fri, 11 Dec 2009 | By iainob1 | Views [2174] | Comments [1]

Packedin Korea, Tongyeong.            When do I get to my apartment? Was the question that kept entering my head every five minutes as I sat at 4pm in the principles office at Chungmu Middle School. I arrived in Pusan airport ... Read more >

Tags: epik, esl, iainob1, korea, packedin, teaching, tongyeong

My quick trip to America

CAMBODIA | Thu, 1 Jan 2009 | By gregorboyd | Views [1803] | Comments [2]

12.29.08 Somewhere over the Pacific. Authors Note: This is probably the most boring blog ever. Basically it is just a giant list of things I did with very little reflection. But I felt I have done so much since my last post that I needed to put this ... Read more >

Tags: america, cambodia, flight, korea

The First Post!

WORLDWIDE | Mon, 9 Jun 2008 | By zapata316 | Views [450]

Well, this is it, my first post.  I hope to add to this journal at sporadic intervals detailing some, hopefully ,interesting and, no doubt, some boring stories of my travels.  As it stands, I have been in Korea for five months.  It has been mostly fun.... Read more >

Tags: jeonju, korea


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