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New country, new challenge - Puerto Iguazu, Misiones and Rosario

ARGENTINA | Tue, 10 Apr 2012 | By kamzam | Views [930]

And so I crossed over to Argentina. For all those who do plan to cross in Foz , you need to specifically ask the bus driver to stop at the Brazilian border. Otherwise they will only take you through Argentinian immigration and you don't get your ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, jesuit missions, on the road, puerto iguazu, rosario, rtw, san ignacio mini

Sao Paulo - take two; Foz de Iguazu and leaving Brazil

BRAZIL | Tue, 27 Mar 2012 | By kamzam | Views [822]

  As I was about to leave Florianopolis I realised that if I head straight to Iguazu Falls it will be the end of my journey in Brazil and I was not quite ready for it. So instead I decided to head back to Sao Paulo in the hope that this time ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, iguazu falls, on the road, rtw, sao paulo

More beach time - Ilha do Mel, Joinville and Floripa

BRAZIL | Sat, 10 Mar 2012 | By kamzam | Views [1215]

On the way to Ilha do Mel I quickly passed through Paranagua . I expected it to be a busy port with little charm but it turned out to have quite a beautiful water front lined up with some old colonial buildings.     The boat trip ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, brazil, florianopolis, ilha do mel, joinville, paranagua, rtw

Curitiba and the famous train journey through Serra do Mar...

BRAZIL | Thu, 1 Mar 2012 | By kamzam | Views [1610]

Journey to Curitiba turned out longer than expected. About 10 minutes from the bus station the bus broke down and we were left at the side of the motorway waiting for the replacement. Since I was not ready to leave Sao Paulo part of ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, curitiba, ilha do mel, morretes, niemeyer, paranagua, rtw

Nossa!... Carnival in Sao Paulo.

BRAZIL | Thu, 1 Mar 2012 | By kamzam | Views [1036]

I didn't want to go to Sao Paulo. I didn't want to leave the beach but the imminent start of the carnival meant that I could no longer stay at Ubatuba . It's probably for the best as I can almost see myself 1 month on and still lying on the same ... Read more >

Tags: bloco, brazil, carnival, city break, rtw, sao paulo

Blissful days at Ubatuba

BRAZIL | Sat, 25 Feb 2012 | By kamzam | Views [839]

  After leaving Ouro Preto I jumped on a bus to Rio to meet with Annika and once again hit the beach... It's probably the slowest journey in the world but I finally reached Rio in the afternoon. Resigned to settling in and waiting for the ... Read more >

Tags: beach, brazil, capoeira, rtw, sao paulo, ubatuba

Check out our site

USA | Mon, 9 Jan 2012 | By honeytrek | Views [571]


Tags: beaches, blog, on the road, rtw, sunsets, travel, trekking

Life Within a Cubicle: A Recap

SAUDI ARABIA | Sun, 23 May 2010 | By travelens | Views [556]

So, what’s wrong with the life that I am having now? In theory, there is nothing wrong with my life now. The only thing is it is not quite the kind of life I really wish to live! I don’t deny that I am enjoying a life that within the common social criteria ... Read more >

Tags: borders, crossing, globetrotting, independent, long haul, overland, rtw, solo, travel, vagabonding

Prelude: The Big Plan

SAUDI ARABIA | Wed, 19 May 2010 | By travelens | Views [630]

BACKGROUND: Vagabonding is all about taking some time off from your day-to-day routine and embarking on an adventure of a lifetime; parting yourself away from your normal life and out of your comfort zone for an extended time to engage in a first ... Read more >

Tags: borders, crossing, globetrotting, independent, long haul, overland, rtw, solo, travel, vagabonding

A little introduction

NEPAL | Mon, 15 Jun 2009 | By shannon_rtw | Views [454]

I am currently eight months into my year of RTW travel - it's been really amazing so far. I started in Australia in November and spent two months exploring the country. Then I headed to South East Asia for another six weeks. India and Nepal were the ... Read more >

Tags: nepal, rtw, traveling


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