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AUSTRALIA | Tue, 4 Aug 2020 | By countryboy | Views [339] | Comments [3]

I feel like an Airfix model that somebody started in 1972, forgot about, and rediscovered in the attic when they had to sell the house they’d inherited because they’d decided to downsize and move to Mudgee. All the parts are actually there ... Read more >

Tags: blog, corona, covid, joural, lockdown, sydney

Journey to Zimbabwe

USA | Mon, 13 Mar 2017 | By bryantabbott | Views [547]

In less than three months, I embark on an epic two-week journey that will take me to the land of Zimbabwe.  I have paid my deposits, am in the process of paying for my trip, booking my flight, and purchasing travel insurance.  Things are in ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, africa, blog, health, journey, lions, motivation, solotravel, volunteering, zimbabwe

Volcán Barva

COSTA RICA | Mon, 12 Dec 2016 | By cond | Views [505]

I'am a lucky person that lives in Costa Rica, so before I write something about another country I would like to share some of my adventures in my own country! This is one of the better or worst trips you can make! It depends... I went 2 times, ... Read more >

Tags: 2016, blog, costa rica, journal, laggon, nature, plano llano, trips, volcan barva, volcán barva

Leaving New York To Philadelphia

UNITED KINGDOM | Thu, 15 Oct 2015 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [574]

So day 2 of the trip started of  A little bit fuzzy as we sat up in the hotel bar  Till very late drinking the bar mans special cocktails which were very strong    We were leaving New York today and heading to the airport ... Read more >

Tags: blog, road trip, shvtvinusa, usa, vlog, youtube

Leaving for NYC

UNITED KINGDOM | Sun, 11 Oct 2015 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [507]

So today starts the journey of a life time  It's is 14:12pm and I am on the train going to the airport  The plane leaves at 18:30pm and when it lands  I will be in NYC baby  For the start of the road ... Read more >

Tags: blog, blogger, road trip, usa

#StephenInIreland Day 3

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 12 Sep 2015 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [416]

#StephenInIreland Day 3 you tubers,Cork,Ireland,#stepheninireland,vloggers,travels So today I went on an open top tour bus around Cork http://www.discoverireland.ie/corkcity The video link is here  It's a time lapse video ... Read more >

Tags: blog, cork, ireland, vlog, youtube #shvtvinire

#StephenInIreland Day 2

UNITED KINGDOM | Sat, 12 Sep 2015 | By stephenhvlogtv | Views [411]

#StephenInIreland Day 2 Cork,Ireland,Titanic,museum,travel,blogger So today was my first full day in Ireland  I got off the plane and we headed straight out on our first adventure    Here is the link to the video ... Read more >

Tags: blog, cork, ireland, vlog, youtube

The Japanese Adventure

JAPAN | Thu, 13 Nov 2014 | By fillytheexplorer | Views [589]

[Excuse spelling mistakes] 12/11/14 - London Weather: Overcast Temperature: 12 Distance: 9012.2 km [to Haneda] Moshi Moshi! This year I set myself a task - every year, aim to go to a location I have never been and today is my new adventure ... Read more >

Tags: asia, blog, japan, journal, on the road, travel, travel story, traveling, travelling, trekking

Fiji Blog!

FIJI | Thu, 11 Oct 2012 | By bek--grace--rio | Views [934]

This is a link to the blog that I (Grace) updated daily on while we were in Fiji! There are a few posts, so you'll have to scroll down a bit :P    http://thelinkatarisefiji.wordpress.com/  

Tags: blog, fiji, scholarship

Check out our site

USA | Mon, 9 Jan 2012 | By honeytrek | Views [571]


Tags: beaches, blog, on the road, rtw, sunsets, travel, trekking


SPAIN | Wed, 2 Nov 2011 | By k-lero | Views [1717]

Ésta es mi nueva dirección: www.micasaesredonda.com Pues sí, aunque este blog de Latinoamérica ya esté cerrado y completado, he creado un nuevo blog en el que tengo integrado éste y otros diarios. Será el blog que comience a utilizar a partir de ... Read more >

Tags: blog, casa, es, k_lero, mi, micasaesredonda, micasaesredonda.com, redonda


AUSTRALIA | Sat, 23 Oct 2010 | By mishulee | Views [4919]

今日係23-10-2010, 黎左澳洲已經一個月, 算係不經不覺地習慣了不少~~ 呢個BLOG 係我離開香港前已經register左, 不過未有機會去寫下一d點點滴滴, 這2天我都努力地去寫email俾各方友好,讓佢地知道我既近況, 但又覺得有些人我未必會send email, 但可能佢地都想知道我係個邊點樣.. 係facebook upload 相尚可, 寫note又好似比較難成日睇,所以都嘗試簡單寫下blog, 讓有心既朋友都有機會知道我既情況。 希望這點滴都成為日後既回憶

Tags: blog

3 days left in NYC

USA | Sat, 19 Jun 2010 | By alexkozovski | Views [758]

Hello, How are you. I'm flying out in a few days but somehow I am going to miss summer in NYC. There is no time for saudade or nostalgia however. My backpack is semi packed, all shots up to date, travel insurance check, 120 film check, my trusty Canon ... Read more >

Tags: blog, british airways, delhi, india, lisbon, madrid, porto, portugal, spain, travel

Tansania, Sansibar, Lusotho, Arusha, Hell's Gate, Nairobi, Kenia

KENYA | Thu, 3 Sep 2009 | By whereislinda | Views [512]

Hallo Freunde der Sonne, wir sind in Mago / Kenia angekommen und wir haben endlich Internet nach 2 Tagen heftigen Engagements!!! Über unseren Praktikumsplatz werd ich aber erst in der nächsten Mail berichten, da wir erst 3 Tage hier ... Read more >

Tags: afrika, backpacking, blog, grenze mosambik tansania, kilwa masoko, lusotho, reisen, sansibar, tansania

New features in the World Nomads Journals

WORLDWIDE | Thu, 12 Mar 2009 | By nomads-news | Views [6348]

Last week we launched a bunch of new features in the World Nomads journals.  Here’s a look at the changes. For the Social types… For all of you socially connected types, we've just added in some new stuff to the WorldNomads journals that allows ... Read more >

Tags: blog, community, journals, travel blog, worldnomads

Yep, just one week left!

USA | Tue, 9 Sep 2008 | By sylvia_aiko | Views [824]

Just got back to my parents' house in Maryland. I had a great weekend up in New York/New Haven, it was soooo nice to see everyone up there and hang out and say goodbyes.  And after my short visit, I have been convinced to attempt to keep a decent ... Read more >

Tags: blog, maryland


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The process in Ban Thasawang, a village weaving silk for the elites, is much more complicated than on the semi-automatic loom.  It requires four to five people working together on one piece of fabric. Even though they work as a team, one person always sits below the ground level. Immersed in semidarkness and isolated from the gossips above, staring blankly ahead.  This figure is perhaps the best metaphor for the state of the nation's homegrown industry.: by gloriakurnik, Views[1022]
The process in Ban Thasawang, a village weaving silk for the elites, is much more complicated than on the semi-automatic loom. It requires four to five people working together on one piece of fabric. Even though they work as a team, one person always sits below the ground level. Immersed in semidarkness and isolated from the gossips above, staring blankly ahead. This figure is perhaps the best metaphor for the state of the nation's homegrown industry.

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