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There is [1] photo and [11] stories tagged with "texas".

Roadtrippin' Texas

USA | Mon, 25 May 2015 | By harriettatham | Views [377]

Texas is a land of juxtapositions. Of fresh bright Mexican foods, and fried fried fried Southern food. Of $500 leather cowboy boots and novelty sombreros. Of cheap fuel and cars as big as caravans. I found it difficult to really grasp the cultural existence ... Read more >

Tags: food, roadtrip, texas, usa

History and Alcohol - My Urban Adventures Tour in Texas

USA | Mon, 25 Jun 2012 | By travelerahoy | Views [1068]

Please note the original version of this story is found on my website Traveler Ahoy . My time in Houston, Texas was very short. The city is the fourth largest in the United States, and I clearly underestimated my time there. There were ... Read more >

Tags: #blogyourbackyard, bars, beer, houston, pub crawl, texas, tours, travel, urban adventures, walking

Photos: Back in the USA

USA | Fri, 26 Aug 2011 | By brettcooke | Photo Gallery

Texas to Louisiana
See all 50 photos >>

Tags: bourbon, cafe, french quarter, galveston, louisiana, music, new orleans, street car, texas, voodoo

Re-Texanifying Myself All Over Again

USA | Thu, 9 Jun 2011 | By rachelina | Views [815]

The last time I wrote, I was impatiently awaiting my connecting flight to LAX which was going to bring me one step closer to Austin, my adopted hometown. Now that I'm sitting in a dreary airport hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida awaiting my flight ... Read more >

Tags: austin, exchange, happiness, texas

Mutts and FUPs in Tejas

USA | Wed, 17 Dec 2008 | By muttsonbikes | Views [632]

So here we sit at the Days Inn in Houston. Our flight from Seattle to Houston was delayed due to crazy town weather unseen in the Houston areas since the jitter bug. So we sat, missed our flight into Buenos Aires, and plesantly received food vouchers ... Read more >

Tags: texas

Big Bend National Park, Texas

USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [796] | Comments [3]

12. februar Endelig! Vores første national park. Efter halvanden måneden med sydstater er vi kommet til national parken som ligger så isoleret i Texas at de færreste udenfor Texas kender til den. Alle i Texas kender den - for den er en del af The Texans ... Read more >

Tags: Texas


USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [499]

10. februar Verdens røvhul (Line). Intetheden (Line). Der er ikke meget at sige om Sydvesten i staten Texas, men for helvede hvor det dog tager lang tid at komme igennem. Se flere billeder her: Sydvesttexas

Tags: Texas

San Antonio, Texas

USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [799]

7. februar Har trænet i dag i den verdensberømte gym, Joe's Gym. Det er ingen overdrivelse at kalde ejeren: totalt bon'et op på steorid. Hold kæft, han var sjov; aldrig sjovt at være 170 høj, mega mega stor og så læspe! Fred være med dem som læsper, ... Read more >

Tags: Texas

Austin, Texas

USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [545]

7. februar Her er stedet, hvor galningen G. Walker. B. har været guvornør. Her er også et sødt egern og statens første oliepumpe. Vi er jo i knoldens bagland, så selvfølgelig er der et rekruteringskontor på The University of Texas - KLAMT. Der er ... Read more >

Tags: Texas

Houston, Texas

USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [676]

4. februar USA's tykkeste by, huha! Og uden at have noget at have det i - så er det vel også en af de rigeste. Houston er en super smuk by (Line). Downtown er fuld af designmæssige vellykkede skyskrabere, som hilser en velkommen, når man dukker op fra ... Read more >

Tags: Texas

Gavleston, Texas

USA | Thu, 15 Feb 2007 | By line_henrik | Views [688]

4. februar Endelig Texas - Lines store drøm. Hun er vild med Texas, for her er alting større! Der er ikkke noget som en tur langs vandet ved den Mexikanske Golf i februar måned. Vi er kun nogle 100 kilometer fra Louisiana, men forskellen er tydelig.... Read more >

Tags: Texas


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