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There are [0] photos and [13] stories tagged with "theft".


THAILAND | Thu, 30 Aug 2012 | By coggos | Views [775]

Thailand   We cruised across the thai border with the required meal stops every 2 hours and the unexplained waiting around ( usually for more people to show up and fill the van). The crossing into Thailand was painless and easy although ... Read more >

Tags: koh chang, thailand robbed, theft

Zocola and German Engineering Part 2

MEXICO | Thu, 8 Dec 2011 | By doodledawn | Views [991]

So where was I?  Right, so Kia and I met a German named Andi in the hostel and we hatched a plan to check out some mayan ruins along the Ruta Puuc via car rental since the bus route was bit of a pain in the ass.  We ended up with a blue VW beatle because ... Read more >

Tags: beatle, car rental, grutas de loltun, laptop, merida, ruta puuc, theft, volkswagon

True Travel Tales - Banged up abroad: Colombian style

COLOMBIA | Tue, 8 Mar 2011 | By true-claims-stories | Views [4387] | Comments [2]

The scene of the crime Description: Entrance to the Media Luna Hostel What happened? Tell us your tale. You hear about things like this happening: on the news, on T.V shows, about friends …..of friends ….of friends, but you never expect it ... Read more >

Tags: colombia, corruption, crime, hostel, robbery, south america, theft, travel, travel insurance, travellers

Backpacking Checklist: Dos and Don'ts on the Road

WORLDWIDE | Tue, 22 Jun 2010 | By OffTheBeatenPath | Views [7684]

It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a trip - where you are going to go next and just what you are going to do when you get there. However, when you're travelling there are certain scenarios that crop up that just wouldn't happen while ... Read more >

Tags: backpacking, hostelling, insurance, itinerary, passports, safety, theft, travel, trips

Mugged in Mexico

MEXICO | Fri, 5 Mar 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2639]

While driving my van through Acapulco, Mexico I pulled over to the side of the road to have a rest. Three men approached the van while I was stopped. They flung the door open, and restrained me while they scoured the van for anything of value. After ... Read more >

Tags: campervan, mexico, mugging, theft

Hijacked Taxi

BOLIVIA | Wed, 24 Feb 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [3883]

My friend and I were taking a taxi back to our hostel in La Paz, Bolivia after dinner one night. After a short while in the taxi, I had the feeling that we were heading in the wrong direction and sure enough, two minutes later the taxi pulled down ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, hijacking, rape, taxi, theft, true claims

Rock the Boat

BRAZIL | Mon, 22 Feb 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2392]

I was in Brazil, on a passenger boat from Manaus to Porto Velho, a journey that takes four days and three nights. Everyone sleeps on hammocks on one deck of the boat. During the second night, my camera was stolen - from my padlocked bag buried in my ... Read more >

Tags: boat, brazil, camera, porto velho, robbery, theft, true claims, world nomads

Curbside Robbery

ARGENTINA | Fri, 19 Feb 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [1782]

Whilst walking home in Buenos Aires after dinner with my friends for the evening, I was approached from the side/back by someone. I woke up face down on the pavement feeling rather disorientated with a hefty mark on my face, a noticeable ache in my ... Read more >

Tags: buenos aires, police, robbery, theft, true claims, world nomads

My Pack was Sacked

ARGENTINA | Sat, 23 Jan 2010 | By true-claims-stories | Views [2266]

I was walking with my full backpack to the bus terminal one evening in Buenos Aires when I was stopped by two middle aged men. One pulled out a knife and demanded that I hand over everything. Without hesitation, I gave them my pack and they fled. Luckily, ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, backpacking, theft

Broken and Entered

ITALY | Mon, 22 Jun 2009 | By true-claims-stories | Views [1665]

My friend and I were trekking around Italy in this beat-up junker clunker of a van.  We were stopped in Casal Borsetti for the evening and sleeping soundly in the back.  Around 4 a.m. we were awakened by someone breaking in to the front of the van.... Read more >

Tags: insurance claim, italy, road trip, theft, travel insurance, true claim stories, world nomads

WorldNomads.com Travel Tip - How to manage the risk of theft

WORLDWIDE | Wed, 17 Dec 2008 | By travel-tips | Views [2105]

It is one of the peculiarities of travel insurance that people buy it because they imagine having their belongings stolen, and yet this is one of the least important reasons you actually need it. By this I mean that although it is an incredibly common ... Read more >

Tags: theft, travel insurance, travel tips, world nomads, worldnomads.com

At home in Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA | Mon, 15 Dec 2008 | By eoghancito | Views [892]

It was a bit disorientating in the taxi at first. The street names didn't seem familiar and I had lost my sense of direction. Gradually Buenos Aires started to reveal itself as we approached our rented apartment ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, old friends, protests, theft

Thurs 27th Nov - Suifenhe, border with Russia

CHINA | Thu, 27 Nov 2008 | By pecosbiff | Views [750]

Shaken awake from dead sleep and dream about Kathy Kirby (good grief)  by conductor. I talk to my first Russian. Bit dour. Cab to bus station. Phrase book quite good. Extremely helpful boy who works at the station helps me buy my ticket, shows me to ... Read more >

Tags: chocolate, confusion, customs, theft


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