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Destination: United Kingdom

There are [4121] stories and [41850] photos from United Kingdom

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King John's Jewels and Gold

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 | By hameedz | Views [166] | Scholarship Entry

King John 'the Bad' was particularly fond of collecting (stealing) jewellery and gold plate for himself and coinage for his guards, soldiers and court followers. In 1216 King John travelled to Bishops Lynn in Norfolk where he arrived on the 9th October.... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

The sights of London

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 | By marciekiwi | Views [239]

Tour day! Up and out of the hotel at 6:45am (urrgghh!) and off to meet the coach that was taking me to meet the tour bus. As usual I got chatting to the driver who gave me tips on what other things to check out in London. There is just so much to see ... Read more >

Photos: London Baby!

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 | By marciekiwi | Photo Gallery

The London/England leg of the Adventure
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Off to the Big Smoke

Thu, 23 Apr 2015 | By marciekiwi | Views [330]

So I may have been a bit over confident when I said jet lag schmet lag - although my sleeping has been pretty good, I managed to get a rather icky cold which had me pretty much stuck in bed for a couple of days but it didn't stop me from heading into ... Read more >

Life of a teenage loser

Mon, 20 Apr 2015 | By nathanstarkey1 | Views [111]

 Well where to start? how about my first day of year 7 the day the gates of hell opened and i like so many were sucked into walking throuh an never-ending pit of sorrow, depression and despiration.You may be wondering what im talking about and thats ... Read more >

Auf den Spuren berühmter Filmdrehs in London

Sat, 18 Apr 2015 | By travelnomads | Views [1166]

 Keine europäische Metropole wird so oft als Filmkulisse genutzt wie die britische Hauptstadt London. Durchschnittlich 35 Filmteams drehen täglich Szenen für Spielfilme, Werbespots oder Musikvideos auf Londons Straßen. ... Read more >

Tags: filmkulissen, london

Tintern Abbey

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 | By happycamper101 | Views [243] | Scholarship Entry

Of all of the places in the world that I’ve visited, I have to say that my favourite might well be Tintern Abbey in Wales. Not long before we left Britain at the end of 2006, I got to travel over the River Severn with my parents and go on a day trip to ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

London Baby!

Fri, 17 Apr 2015 | By marciekiwi | Views [442] | Comments [1]

Made it! I'm in London, England, on the other side of the planet. My dream trip has begun! The flight was, well, long and that's all I have to say about that. Ok, maybe one more thing - flying long distance causes swollen ankles. Where there used ... Read more >

Chasing the light

Thu, 16 Apr 2015 | By lucib | Views [169] | Scholarship Entry

Riding Viking horses through the mountains at sunrise…Check Paying £6 for a pint of local Reykjavík beer…Check Ignoring that I’m pre-hypothermic whilst Whale (not)spotting…check Floating in hot natural spring water from the blue lagoon, watching Mt ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Dear London, Never leave me...

Wed, 15 Apr 2015 | By lucyjade | Views [147] | Scholarship Entry

We were a love story waiting to happen. The cold weather felt so good. The first snow that I had ever seen, soaked me to my core and I couldn't have been happier. We spent days navigating our way through the tube, blind to the locals who dreaded their ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Photos: Hmm... India, I think ;)

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 | By shaarka | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Scotland!

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 | By hethoandstokesyseuropeanadventure | Photo Gallery

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Home, sweet, sweet home!

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 | By hethoandstokesyseuropeanadventure | Views [297] | Comments [5]

  HIYAAA!! It's been a little while but as you clearly know we are busy being little travel heads! I can't remember even what I last wrote.. but WE'RE IN SCOTLAND (not for much longer *sad sad face*). After escaping Belfast rather quickly (if ... Read more >

I may have left the best for last....

Wed, 25 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Views [781]

Let me tell you about the luck of the Irish. They are incredibly lucky to live in such a beautiful country. They are lucky that they are all incredibly friendly people. They are lucky their famously cold weather played nice for the entire time or I could ... Read more >

Tags: doolin, friends, ireland, pubs galway, road trip

Photos: Ireland

Wed, 25 Mar 2015 | By homeless_harry | Photo Gallery

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Mel surrounded by pigeons at Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery is to my left and St Martin's is in the background.

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WW2 defensive guns

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The Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles by Night.

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