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Destination: United Kingdom

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Manchester-the end

Wed, 13 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [350]

Today is my last day in Manchester. First of all, I should start off by  saying I stayed at a different hotel last night then the first 3 nights here. The first 3 nights-I stayed at a hotel which was a little bit different.  The entrance/lobby/reception ... Read more >


Wed, 13 May 2015 | By bondcl | Views [138] | Scholarship Entry

While visiting my future husband’s family, who is scattered all across England, we came to Lincoln so I could meet his grandparents. We quickly said our hellos and had lunch and then excused ourselves to explore their city. Lincoln is known as a Cathedral ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Witchery Tours in Edinburgh

Wed, 13 May 2015 | By yourinterimtourguide | Views [154] | Scholarship Entry

It was almost completely dark where we stood, even though it was daylight outside. I could see a little light streaming in through the bars on the widow. I could feel moisture in the air and it smelled musty and dank. Our tour guide had taken us into ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Camden Craziness.

Wed, 13 May 2015 | By travellingwolf | Views [189] | Scholarship Entry

Being a UK born person, I always like to explore my own country above other places. I found myself one day in Camden - a little marketplace where you can find a lot of random, and amazing stuff. I explored the market itself, happening upon many sellers ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship


Tue, 12 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [498]

Yesterday I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.  I was there for 4 hours or so. I learned that many things we're invented in Manchester, such as the steam press for making clothes, as well as the first all-steam railroad. ... Read more >

Tags: museum, piss

Postcard-Perfect (For A Zombie Apocalypse)

Tue, 12 May 2015 | By traveller_lyn | Views [88] | Scholarship Entry

I was sick, there was no doubt about it. Some small child on the 25-hour flight from Brisbane to London had infected me with alien influenza. Sneezing, sniffling and literally coughing up blood, my Euro gap year was off to a miserable start. But everything ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Orange Jacket

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [777] | Comments [1]

Another pic at the game-by the way, the most intriguing person to me in  the stadium wasn't Sergio Aguero, or some other player on the team, but more the guy in the orange jacket sitting at the front of each row. Now matter what happened on the ... Read more >

Tags: football

The Devils Pulpit

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By frampi | Views [164] | Scholarship Entry

As an enthusiastic photographer with an ambition to get the shots that other photographers won't or cannot, I am always on the lookout for new and unique locations to visit and explore. My travel treasure is not set in a particularly exotic location, ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Werewolf Land

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By lupusdei | Views [236] | Scholarship Entry

I only choose United Kingdom because I love it more than France, but actually, the werewolf land in my story is Gevaudan. I guess that the fact that this city may have the first report of werewolf in the modern world called a lot of my attetion. I would ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Manchester the Game

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [492] | Comments [1]

Yesterday I went to a football game. It was exciting. I have never been into sports. I have seen a few baseball games, minor league hockey game at home, and one football game. The baseball games we're tolerable for a few innings and then got boring. ... Read more >

Tags: football, sports

Hidden path in a Poet´s Corner

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By lapalabraperfecta | Views [120] | Scholarship Entry

Without a single glimpse of hope to find something interesting, lost in another huge queue of ordinary tourists, there I stood, waiting my turn to get inside the so-called Westminster Abbey. In my heart, a hungry desire to discover some sort of unexplainable ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Photos: The beautiful lakes

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By copperowl | Photo Gallery

Photos from Ambleside & Grasmere, Lakes District U.K. Trafalgar Tour of Britain & Ireland
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Photos: Profile

Mon, 11 May 2015 | By wanderlustme | Photo Gallery

Profile photo
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Manchester UK

Sun, 10 May 2015 | By davidpearlman | Views [625] | Comments [2]

Well yesterday was my first day in Manchester, UK. I have never been here, but I have been to London a few times. So you may be asking, why am I here? Well I read about Manchester a few years ago, when I worked for Gruntal and Company, a brokerage ... Read more >

Tags: arriving, manchester, uk

Finding the Golden Egg

Sun, 10 May 2015 | By golden_kim | Views [206] | Comments [1] | Scholarship Entry

In front of me, at long last, was the legendary Golden Egg. And it was all mine. From the left, right and top, I examined my prize, undecided whether to first crack the gold-dusted chocolate shell or scoop the riches inside—vanilla cheesecake with a mango ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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Mel surrounded by pigeons at Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery is to my left and St Martin's is in the background.

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